Offertory of Eighth Sunday After Pentecost

Psalm 17:28,32

Thou wilt save the humble people, O Lord, and wilt bring down the eyes of the proud; for who is God but Thee, O Lord?


Verse 28. Proud, as thou hast already done. C. —

Insignem attenuat Deus,
Obscura promens. Horat.

Verse 32. Our God. Will any one then hinder Him from doing as He has said? H. — Heb. “Who is the rock but our God?” Bert. — God is often styled a rock, tsur. Yet S. Jerom and Pagnin render it “strong,” or “the strong one.” H. — There is only one Lord and Saviour of all. W.


2133: The Authors and the Time of the Composition of the Psalms

Reply of the Biblical Commission, May 1, 1910

Question V: Whether in appearance the Davidian origin can be denied to those psalms which are cited in the Old and New Testament distinctly under the name of David, among which to be considered before the rest come: psalm 2, Quare fremuerunt gentes; psalm 15, Conserva me, Domine; psalm 17 Diligam te, Domine, fortitudo mea; psalm 31, Beati, Quorum remissae sunt iniquitates; psalm 68, Salvum me fac, Deus; psalm 109, Dixit Dominus Domino meo?–Reply: In the negative.

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