Ps 129:1-2
From the depths I have cried out to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my prayer: from the depths I have cried out to Thee, O Lord.
Verse 1. Canticle. David might compose it after his sin, though it might suit the captives, and all sinners, as well as the souls in purgatory. Bert. — It has long been recited in their behalf. W. — Depths of the prison of expiation, or from this vale of misery, (Bert.) captivity, (C.) and from the bottom of my heart. S. Chrys.
Verse 3. Mark. Heb. “observe or keep.” — It. Heb. “who shall stand upright, (C.) or make opposition.” H. — We all stand in need of mercy, as none can stand before the rigours of divine justice. W.
Si quoties homines peccant, sua fulmina mittat
Jupiter, exiguo tempore inermis erit. Trist. ii. H.