Psalm 94:1
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Come, let us praise the Lord with joy; let us joyfully sing to God our Saviour. Alleluia.
Verse 1. Himself, as David wrote it by inspiration. W. — Sept. Comp. “It is without a title in Heb..” S. Paul (Heb. iv. 7.) quotes it as the work of David. But this is only done incidentally, and it may have been written by the descendants of Moses, (Ps. lxxxix. C.) as the apostle only says, in David, (H.) referring to the psalter, which the common opinion attributed to him. C. — This opinion, it must be owned, acquires hereby great authority, (H.) as an inspired writer could not mistake; and Calmet himself, on the epistle to the Heb. doubts not but as the drift of the apostle requires, he attributed this psalm to David. Bert. T. vi. — It might be used in the removal of the ark (Muis.) and contains an exhortation to the Jews to return to the service of God, under king Josias, (Theod.) or after the captivity, (C.) or at the preaching of the gospel. Euseb. — The Church adopts the version of the Roman psalter in her office books, as they were corrected by S. Pius V. and this psalm was considered as a hymn at the beginning of matins, though the Vulg. is retained in other parts. C. — The variations are not material. H. — But this shews that the Church does not condemn every deviation from the Vulgate. Bell. Diss. — Saviour. S. Jer. “to the rock, our Jesus.” H. — He who created us, has also been our Saviour. W.