Alleluia of Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Psalm 9:5,10

Alleluia, alleluia. V. O God, who sittest upon the throne, and judgest justice, be Thou the refuge of the poor in tribulation. Alleluia.


Verse 5. Justice, or rightly. C. — God alone always discerns what is just. S. Chrys. — Man overcomes the devil, with the assistance of God’s grace. W.

Verse 10. Poor. Heb. ladac, “the oppressed,” (S. Jer.) “broken with grief.” C. — Tribulation. God’s assistance is requisite both in prosperity and adversity. He generally manifests his power only, when all human succour proves useless. H. — Thus he acted at the Red Sea, and when he sent delivers to Israel. Our Saviour came at the time appointed, when he was most wanted. Theod. Gal. iv. 4. C. — “We are often oppressed with tribulation, and yet it is not the due time; that so we may be helped by the desire of being set free.” S. Greg. — Thus the delay is for our advantage. W.

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