Gradual of Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Psalm 78:9,10

Forgive us our sins, O Lord, lest the Gentiles should at any time say: Where is their God? V. Help us, O God, our Saviour; and for the honour of Thy name, O Lord, deliver us.


Verse 9. Help. The necessity of grace, and the co-operation of free-will, are here plainly asserted. S. Aug.

Verse 10. Their God. Let him rescue his people. Cicero (pro Flacco) speaking of the Jewish nation, says, “How dear it was to the immortal gods, appears from its being overcome, enslaved,” &c. — Shed. He speaks not of revenge; (C.) but in order that chastisement may open the eyes of the infidels, that they may be converted. Euseb. — Let none suspect that thou disregardest thy people. The event will evince the contrary. W.

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