Communion of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Psalm 77:24-25

He gave them the bread of Heaven: man ate the bread of Angels.


Verse 25. Angels. Heb. also, “of the strong ones.” Aquila. — Such is the blessed Eucharist, of which manna was only a figure, John vi. The angels prepared this food. C. — It was an effect of the divine bounty, not of the power of Moses. Jo. xi. 32. How it could be inferior (Bert.) to the bread which Christ would give, was a riddle to the Jews, as it must be still to all who do not admit the real presence. If both were figures, surely manna was better than common bread. H.


882: The Use of the Admirable Sacrament

JULIUS III 1550-1555
SESSION XIII (Oct. II, 1551)
Decree On the Most Holy Eucharist

And finally this holy Synod with paternal affection admonishes, exhorts, entreats, and beseeches, “through the bowels of the mercy of our God” [Luke 1:78], that each and all, who are classed under the Christian name, will now finally agree and be of the same opinion in this “sign of unity,” in this “bond of charity,’’ * in this symbol of concord, and that mindful of so great a majesty and such boundless love of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His own beloved soul as the price of our salvation, and gave us His “own flesh to eat” [John 6:48 ff.], they may believe and venerate these sacred mysteries of His body and blood with that constancy and firmness of faith, with that devotion of soul, that piety and worship, as to be able to receive frequently that “supersubstantial bread” [Matt. 6:11], and that it may be to them truly the life of the soul and the perpetual health of mind, that being invigorated by the strength thereof [1 Samuel 19:8], after the journey of this miserable pilgrimage, they may be able to arrive in their heavenly country to eat without any veil that same bread of angels [Ps. 77:25] which they now eat under the sacred veils.

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