Gradual of Saint Jerome Emilian

Proverbs 5:16; Psalm 111:5-6

Let thy fountains be conveyed abroad, and in the streets divide thy waters. Acceptable is the man that showeth mercy and lendeth, he ordereth his words with judgment; because he shall not be moved forever.


Proverbs 5

Verse 16. Waters. Mayst thou have a numerous offspring, (v. 10.) and be liberal. Many copies of the Sept. &c. have a negation, with Aquila, “let not thy,” &c. (C.) though it my be read with and interrogation, “are the waters of thy fountain to be?” &c. De Dieu. — By not means. Origen (in Num. xii.) acknowledges both readings. C. — Good instructions must be given to those who are well disposed, but not to scoffers, or obstinate infidels. W. — Husbands are exhorted to be content with their own wives, (v. 15. 20.) so that the negative particle seems to be here wanting, as it is, c. vi. 17. in MS. 60, (Kennicott) and c. xiv. 33. Sept. &c. Capellus.

Psalm 111

Verse 5. Acceptable. Lit. “joyful.” Crhstos, “beneficent.” H. — Give, and it shall be given to you. M. — Judgment. And by liberal alms, prepared for the great accounting day. S. Chrys. — He will say nothing indiscreetly, nor throw pearls before swine; (Matt. vii. 6. S. Jer.) neither will he condemn others rashly, (C.) but give prudent advice to the afflicted. W.

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