Gradual of Saint Joachim

Psalm 111:9, 2

He hath distributed, he hath given to the poor: his justice remaineth forever and ever. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the righteous shall be blessed.


Verse 9. Poor. We must know whom we ought to relieve. Though we may be allowed to retain what is necessary, (2 Cor. viii. 13. and ix. 11.) yet the saints have often very laudably stripped themselves, to clothe others, abandoning perishable goods, that they might obtain heaven. C. — Justice. Works of mercy are so called, because they concur to man’s justification. W. — Horn. Power, &c. Cyrus, and the best of his successors, honoured the Jews. C. — The liberality of the just towards the indigent, is far more glorious than that which prompts the vain to give shews, &c. S. Chrys. — The praise of the latter is presently at an end. Bert.

Verse 2. Earth. Temporal rewards were proposed to the carnal Jews; but the more enlightened knew what was to be most desired. They sought after the riches, mentioned by the apostle. 1 Cor. i. 5. 1 Tim. vi. 18. C. — The just and their seed shall prosper, (W.) at least in the next world. H.

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