Psalm 36:3-6
Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in the land, and thou shalt be fed with its riches. Delight in the Lord, and He will give thee the requests of thy heart; commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will do it.
Verse 3. Riches. Sept. and Houb. read emuné, “abundance.” Heb. begins with a. The sense is much the same. Bert. — “Thou shalt feed on faith,” (S. Jer.) or “incessantly.” Sym. — The Jews entertained the greatest desire of the promised land. C. — It may here denote our soul, (Orig.) the Church, (S. Aug.) the Scriptures, (S. Athan.) or heaven. S. Jer. &c. C. — Trust in God and be content. He will give thee what is requisite. W.
Verse 4. Heart. Provided they be rational. S. Aug. — He will enable thee to repose in peace, and to taste innocent pleasures in the Lord. C.
Verse 5. Commit. Lit. “lay open.” Heb. “roll.” H. — This expresses the most unbounded confidence. Ps. liv. 23. Prov. xvi. 3. — Do it Whatever may be proper. He will display thy justice, (v. 6.) and free the from anxiety, (C.) taking care of thee. 1 Pet. v. 7. M.
Verse 6. Day. This will appear at the last judgment. S. Aug.