Gradual of Saint John Leonardi

Psalm 72:21; 68:10

My heart hath been inflamed and my loins have been changed: the zeal of Thy house hath eaten me up. He hath made my mouth like unto a sharp sword: in the shadow of His hand hath He protected me, and made me as a chosen shaft.


Psalm 72

Verse 21. Changed. S. Jer. “are like a fire smoking.” I was indignant, (v. 3. H.) and almost consumed with afflictions, and heavy laden. But I depend on my protector. W.

Psalm 68

Verse 10. Upon me. The disciples remembered that this had been written concerning Christ, who drove out the profaners of his temple, (Jo. ii. 17.) and will not be less severe on those who dishonour the Church by their scandalous lives, or by propagating erroneous opinions. C. — S. Paul (Rom. xv. 3.) doubted not but this passage was literally applicable to Christ, who has taught us to prefer the glory of God, and our neighbour’s salvation before our own temporal advantages. Bert. — Those who have less zeal, are not so much persecuted. W.


2133: The Authors and the Time of the Composition of the Psalms

Reply of the Biblical Commission, May 1, 1910

Question V: Whether in appearance the Davidian origin can be denied to those psalms which are cited in the Old and New Testament distinctly under the name of David, among which to be considered before the rest come: psalm 2, Quare fremuerunt gentes; psalm 15, Conserva me, Domine; psalm 17 Diligam te, Domine, fortitudo mea; psalm 31, Beati, Quorum remissae sunt iniquitates; psalm 68, Salvum me fac, Deus; psalm 109, Dixit Dominus Domino meo?–Reply: In the negative.

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