Communion of Saint Martina

Psalm 118:78, 80

Let the proud be ashamed, because they have done unjustly towards me: but I will be employed in Thy commandments and in Thy justifications, that I may not be confounded.


Verse 7. Justice. That all thy ordinances are most equitable, (W.) and when I shall have faithfully put them in practice. Eccli. xv. 9. Theod.

Verse 8. Utterly. Heb. nimis, as v. 4. H. — It may be advantageous to us to be left awhile, that we may know our own weakness. S. Greg. Mor. xx. 21. W. — He does not beg never to be tempted, or in tribulation; (H.) but only that he may not yield to sin. S. Hil. — He may always at least have recourse to prayer. 1 Thes. v. 17. — The neglect of this duty occasions so many falls. Bert.

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