Introit of Saint Philip Neri

Romans 5:5; Ps. 102:1

The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by His Spirit dwelling within us. (P.T. Alleluia.) Ps. Bless the Lord, O my soul; and let all that is within me bless His holy name. Glory be to the Father.


Romans 5

Verse 5. God having prevented us with his gifts when we did not at all deserve them, having showered upon us the blessings of faith, charity, patience, and fidelity, we cannot but have the greatest confidence that after this pledge and assurance of his good will towards us, he well finish the work he has begun, and bring us to his heavenly kingdom. Calmet. — Not only the gift of the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit himself, is given to us, who resides in our soul as in his own temple, who sanctifies it, and makes it partaker of his divine love. Menochius.

Psalm 102

Verse 1. Himself. All agree that David wrote this psalm as a model of resignation. The occasion is not known. Bert. — It may express the sentiments of the captives, (C.) or of converts to Christianity, (Euseb.) and is written with inimitable sweetness.


190: Original Sin, Grace, Predestination

ST. FELIX III 526-530
Confirmed by Boniface II
(against the Semipelagians)

Can. 17. “Worldly desire creates the fortitude of the Gentiles, but the charityof God, whichis diffused in our hearts,not by free will, which is from us, butby the Holy Spirit, which is given to us [Rom. 5:5] produces the fortitude of the Christians” [St. Prosper].

198: Original Sin, Grace, Predestination

ST. FELIX III 526-530
Confirmed by Boniface II
(against the Semipelagians)

Can. 25. “The love with which we love God.Truly to love God is a gift of God. He Himself has granted that He be loved, who though not loved loves. Although we were displeasing we were loved, so that there might be produced in us [something] by which we might please. For theSpiritwhom we love together with the Father and the Son pours forth the charity [of the Father and the Son] in our hearts [Rom. 5:5]” [St. Prosper].

800: In What the Justification of the Sinner Consists, and What are its Causes

PAUL III 1534-1549
Ecumenical XIX
(Contra Novatores 16 cent.)
SESSION VI (Jan. 13, 1547)
Decree On Justification

For although no one can be just but he to whom the merits of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ are communicated, yet this does take place in this justification of the ungodly when by the merit of that same most holy passion “the charity of God is poured forth by the Holy Spirit in the hearts” [Rom. 5:5] of those who are justified, and inheres in them [can. II]. Hence man through Jesus Christ, into whom he is ingrafted, receives in the said justification together with the remission of sins all these [gifts] infused at the same time: faith, hope, and charity. For faith, unless hope and charity be added to it, neither unites one perfectly with Christ, nor makes him a living member of his body. For this reason it is most truly said that “faith without works is dead” [Jas.2:17], and is of no profit [can. 19], and “in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith, which worketh by charity” [Gal. 5:6; 6:15]. This faith, in accordance with apostolic tradition, catechumens beg of the Church before the sacrament of baptism, when they ask for “faith which bestows life eternal,” which without hope and charity faith cannot bestow. Thence also they hear immediately the word of Christ: “If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments” [Matt. 19:17; can. 18-20]. Therefore, when receiving true and Christian justice, they are commanded immediately on being reborn, to preserve it pure and spotless as the “first robe” [Luke 15:22] given to them through Christ Jesus in place of that which Adam by his disobedience lost for himself and for us, so that they may bear it before the tribunal of our Lord Jesus Christ and have life eternal.

1038: Errors of Michael du Bay

ST. PIUS V 1566-1572
Errors of Michael du Bay (BAII)
[Condemned in the Bull
"Ex omnibus afflictionibus,"
Oct. 1, 1567]

38. All love of a rational creature is either vicious cupidity, by which the world is loved, which is prohibited by John; or that praiseworthy charity by which “when poured forth” by the Holy Spirit in our heart [Rom. 5:5], God is loved.

[Editor’s note: the above statement is condemned by the Church.]

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