Offertory of Saint Raphael

Tobias 8:3; Psalm 146:5

An Angel stood near the altar of the temple, having a golden censer in his hand: and there was given to him much incense: and the smoke of the perfumes ascended before God, alleluia.


Psalm 146

Verse 5 Power. God the Son. Earthly monarchs are forced to depend on others for the execution of their orders. But God is infinite. C. — Number. He knows innumerable things: (W.) or rather, (H.) the divine wisdom hath no parts. Jer. x. 6. Bert.


280: The Trinity

Creed of Faith (especially
concerning the Trinity
and the Incarnation)
["Exposition of faith"
against the Priscillianists]

…Therefore, this Holy Trinity, which is the one and true God, neither excludes number nor is it contained in number.-For in the relation of persons number appears, but in the substance of divinity, what might be enumerated is not understood. Therefore, in this alone they imply number, that they are related to each other; and in this, that they are to themselves, they lack number. For natural unity is so suitable to this Holy Trinity that there cannot be a plurality in the three persons. For this reason, then, we believe that saying in Sacred Scripture: “Great is our Lord and great is his power; and of his Wisdom there is no number” [Ps. 146:5]. Neither because we have said that these three persons are one God, are we able to say that the same one is the Father who is the Son, or that He is the Son who is the Father, or that He who is the Holy Spirit is either the Father or the Son. For He is not the Father who is the Son, nor is He the Son who is the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit He who is either the Father or the Son, even though the Father is the same as the Son, the Son the same as the Father, the Father and the Son the same as the Holy Spirit; that is, in nature one God. For, when we say that the same one is not the Father as the Son, we refer to the distinction of persons.…

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