Gradual of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Psalm 33:18-19

The just cried, and the Lord heard them: and delivered them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto those who are troubled in heart, and the humble in spirit shall be saved.


Verse 18. Just. This word is omitted in Heb. but it is supplied by al the versions; which shews that the original is not quite perfect. Bert. — If this were left out, the passage would refer to the wicked, v. 16. Yet S. Jerom found the Heb. in this state. H. — Troubles. Many experienced the divine protection in a wonderful manner, and though others fell victims to persecution, (Heb. xi. 36.) yet they were perfectly resigned to God’s will, (Bert.) and thus obtained their wishes, receiving a better reward in eternity. C.

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