Introit of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Ecclesiasticus 44:14-15; Psalm 32:1

Let the people show forth the wisdom of the saints, and the church declare their praise; and their names shall live unto generation and generation. Ps. Rejoice in the Lord, ye just: praise becometh the upright. Glory be to the Father.


Ecclesiasticus 44

Verse 14. Peace. The Jews were very solicitous about this. Gen. xxxv. 8. C.

Psalm 32

Verse 1. David. There is no title in Heb.; and the Greek copies vary. This psalm may be considered as a continuation of the former, with the last verse of which it may be well connected. C. — Some suppose that David composed it after he had been rescued from the giant Jesbibenob. v. 16. 1 Par. xx. 4. Ferrand. — It is not certain that he is the author; but as other psalms without a title are ascribed to him, we have no reason to deny that he wrote this. Bert. — Many explain it as a thanksgiving of Ezechias. Theod. &c. — But we need not refer it to any particular event. C. — Upright. But it is not seemly in the mouth of a sinner. Eccli. xv. 9. W. Ps. lxix. 16. C.

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