Offertory of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Psalm 5:12-13

All they that love Thy name shall glory in Thee: for Thou, O Lord, wilt bless the just: O Lord, Thou hast crowned us with the shield of Thy good will.


Verse 12. Dwell. Heb. “protect,” (S. Jer.) “or shade them.” C. — The just will rejoice under thy protection, (H.) and at the conversion of the sinner. S. Chrys.

Verse 13. Us. Heb. “him.” S. Jer. Aquila. C. — But neglecting the points, the Sept. is as accurate, and more beautiful. Bert. — Shield. Heb. tsinna, (H.) which was probably large enough to cover the body. C. — If God be with us, who is against us? H. — The just shall receive the sentence of eternal glory. W.

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