Introit of Seven Holy Servite Founders

Wisdom 10:20-21; Psalm 8:2

The just sang to Thy holy name, O Lord, they praised with one accord Thy victorious hand. For wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb, and made the tongues of infants eloquent. Ps. O Lord our God, how admirable is Thy name in the whole earth. Glory be to the Father.


Wisdom 10

Verse 21. Eloquent. They would, if possible, have sounded forth thy praise. Dionys. — The Hebrews had been kept in ignorance, and afraid to speak. C. — Infants, and dumb people, might also, by miracle, join in the song. H.

Psalm 8

Verse 2. O Lord, (Jehova) our Lord, (Adonenu) S. Jer. Dominator noster, “our Ruler.” H. — God is Lord of all by creation, and still more of those who believe. W. — Adonai is pronounced by the Jews, and sometimes applied to men. But they have lost the pronunciation of the first term, which some read Jehovah, (C.) or Jaho, (S. Jer.) Jave, &c. H. — Admirable. It expresses all that He is. (Ex. iii. 14. Bert.) Essence itself. H. — Earth. This was verified after the incarnation; (S. Chrys.) for before, the Gentiles knew it not, and the Jews caused it to be blasphemed. Bert. — Now all confess the glory of Jesus Christ, the master-piece of God. C. — Heavens; which are nothing in comparison, (M.) for he hath created them. W. Hab. iii. 3.

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