Gradual of Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Psalm 16:8,2

Keep me, O Lord, as the apple of Thy eye: protect me under the shadow of Thy wings. V. Let my judgment come forth from Thy countenance: let Thy eyes behold the things that are equitable.


Verse 8. Eye. God has shewn particular attention to protect the apple of the eye. He watches still more over his servants, (Zac. ii. 8.) for whom all things procure good. Rom. viii. 28. Saul had declared himself against David, because he had been chosen to succeed him, and thus he opposed the designs of God. C. — The prophet prays that he may never give way to such impiety. W. — Wings, as a hen does her chickens. H. — Defend me from the furious countenance of my enemies. W.

Verse 2. Countenance. Pronounce sentence, (Est. i. 19. C.) if I have done wrong. I do not refuse punishment. Ps. vii. 5. H. — The Gr. and Lat. copies vary. Some read correctly with the Heb. “Let thy eyes behold what is wrong.” Yet S. Jer. (ep. ad Sun.) has “right,” with the Syr. &c. Others more commonly read, “Let mine eyes behold justice.” C. — Montanus, however, substitutes rectitudines for iniquitates, as Pagnin had rendered mesharim, and Prot. “the things that are equal.” H. — “Holy preachers are the eyes of Christ…let them see what is just…and fulfil the justice which they preach.” S. Jer. — God sees all things, and will pass a just sentence. W.

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